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Cruck Barn Visit, Oxfordshire

Cruck Barn timber shingles & cladding.jpg

Date: May 2, 2019

The Trustees of The Oxfordshire Woodland Group have extended an invitation to Woodland Heritage members and their friends to visit their newly constructed cruck timber-framed barn in a woodland in the Chiltern Hills AONB (South Oxfordshire). At the every best time of year to enjoy the wood’s carpet of bluebells, the visit will include a woodland walk and a chance to learn about how the barn was planned and built. The visit will conclude with a picnic lunch in the barn (please bring your own food, although hot and cold drinks will be provided). Please register your interest below if you would like to attend.

The barn has an all hand hewn larch cruck timber frame with a western red cedar shingle roof and douglas fir weather boards. The traditional design is based on research undertaken by Corbishley and Hume of nearby and other local vernacular 14th and 15th century cruck timber-framed buildings and aims to demonstrate how a present day small woodland can be put to work using only timber harvested directly from the woodland.

The barn was designed, engineered and project managed by OWG Trustee Ken Hume M.Sc. who is a long standing Woodland Heritage member. The traditional carpentry effort was led by Herbert Russell M.Sc. who is a past graduate of the Woodland Heritage W2W course having attended this through the generous support of Woodland Heritage fully reflecting the founders' mantra of "Action not Words".