Grants & Bursaries

All work for which support is sought from Woodland Heritage must help fulfil the Charity’s Objects and meet our Policy for Giving Grants.

If you have a proposal that you think meets the above needs and our grant guidelines, as well as fitting into one of the categories of support described below, please request an application form from You may also find it helpful to have spoken to someone before applying, in which case, please call 07871198798.

Due to recent changes in the charity, the Grants and Bursaries scheme is currently under review. Applications are still being accepted, but we may not be able to allocate funding immediately. If your application is time-sensitive please let us know when you apply.


Woodland to Workshop course bursaries

Tutors and attendees of the 2023 Woodland To Workshop course.

Woodland Heritage offer bursaries to assist deserving and committed individuals to attend the Woodland to Workshop course, who would not otherwise be able to access the course. 

Woodland Heritage offer two bursaries of £500 each towards the cost of the Woodland to Workshop Course. Applicants will need to pay the remaining fee of £100.

You can apply for course funding when registering your interest in the course. Your application will be evaluated by the trustees. Courses are held in September or October each year, therefore funding applications will be assessed in late May, and applicants advised of funding in the June prior to the course start.

If you have any questions please contact


SelectFor courses in Continuous Forestry Management


Woodland Heritage provides bursaries for course fees, benefiting many young foresters as a result. Marking is a difficult skill to learn, particularly within an unfamiliar discipline such as Irregular Silviculture. These Courses provide an in-depth introduction to the theory and practical application of irregular silviculture in coniferous and broadleaved stands with the emphasis on lowland forests.

Courses tend to run in the spring and autumn, but please check with the SelectFor website for the latest information.

Woodland Heritage supports two applicants per year for this course. Your application will be assessed ahead of the course start date, so please let us know the specific course dates when you apply.  

For further information, please view the Courses section on


Garthwaite Travel Bursaries


Since 1994, through the inspiration of our late Patron, Peter Garthwaite OBE, we have supported foresters of all ages to travel to many countries to study aspects of forestry, or wood processing outside the UK. Some twenty five years on, many of these individuals remain in touch and are still putting their experiences to good use. Previous countries visited include the USA, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, France, Croatia, Ireland, Latvia, Czech Republic, Greece, Denmark, Italy, Austria, Japan and Canada.

The Trustees of Woodland Heritage continue to invite applications for bursaries to study an aspect of forestry or wood processing outside the UK.

Applicants must either be forestry practitioners in the UK, or intending to become so after completing a forestry education. Preference will be given to those whose interests are in the production of high quality timber. Applications for support on compulsory tours (e.g. as part of a University group) will not be considered, nor will retrospective applications. 




People – general

Other than the need to meet the requirements of the grant giving policy and guidelines, this is an open category to help with skills development, or as something often educational and one-off, such as the examples below in Previous Grants & Bursaries.  More commonly supported requests in the past have centred around the securing of chainsaw certificates (for use in forestry settings rather than for more broadly-based tree surgery).

View previous Grants & Bursaries


Project grants

For examples of the types of often larger-scale and ongoing projects that Woodland Heritage has been involved in of late, please see What we do – Our Projects.